It seems like only yesterday that we started talking about the potential upcoming dlc for Borderlands 2wait, that was yesterday! Confirmed today by Gearbox and Randy Pitchford, Borderlands 2 – Captain Scarlett & Her Pirate’s Booty will be launching on marketplaces next week!

I’m a bit amazed as to how quick Gearbox is releasing this new dlc so close to the games’ launch – but I won’t complain as I’m completely in love with Borderlands 2. I’ve got a few new images for the dlc that you can check out after the jump.


Here is what the main man Randy Pitchford had to say about the upcoming DLC:

“You can sense the pirate theme across the landscape, even though there’s no water.  It’s all dried up. It feels more like Tatooine than an ocean. These bandits have really embraced the pirate lifestyle, and there’s the legend of a treasure. That kicks off this whole adventure that the players can go on.”

Again, Captain Scarlett & Her Pirate’s Booty launches next week for 800 MSP ($10) for everyone without the Season Pass.