Gaige the Mechromancer, the upcoming fifth class in Borderlands 2, has decided to tease us with a couple of Echo logs. From the sound of it, she could be just as crazy as Tiny Tina. Wait, check that, I don’t think anyone is as crazy (and adorable) as Tiny Tina.

[youtube id=”Ijs-FEk3OIk” width=”600″ height=”350″]

[youtube id=”9zNk8kM2Qj0″ width=”600″ height=”350″]

As for the skill tree for Gaige, Gearbox has unveiled it over at the official Borderlands 2website. You can find it by clicking here. You may have to enter the age gate first. If so, enter that in and come back and click the link again. This should direct you straight to her skill tree page.

Gaige is expected to release October 16th free for Premium Members (it will be 800 MSP for non-members). I wish it was here already!