Indie Gala has just launched its seventh “pay what you want” game bundle. If you purchase a copy of this bundle, you can choose how to split up your money between the developers, two charities, and Indie Gala. The charities you may donate to in this bundle are the Italian Red Cross (to help in efforts in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy that suffered from a series of earthquakes in May) and AbleGamers, which works to help make video games more accessible for disabled people.

They’ve got a couple of great games in this bundle (each of which will come with a Steam key). People who pay less than the average price (which is about $7.00) will receive Rig’n’Roll, Space Rangers, Reign: Conflict of Nations, and a mystery game. People who pay more that the average will also receive Death to Spies, Death to Spies: Moment of Truth, King’s Bounty: Armored Princess, UFO: Afterlight and another mystery game.

I personally think that King’s Bounty: Armored princess alone is worth over $7.00.

If any of this sounds interesting to you then check out the bundle here. It will be running for another 13 days, so you can afford to tarry a little bit.