Slitherine and Matrix Games have announced the first standalone expansion for their turn-based wargame Panzer Corps, entitled Panzer Corps: Afrika Corps. As the name suggests, this expansion will put you in control of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel’s Deutsches Afrikakorps as you attempt to push Britain out of the Middle East. Particularly successful players will even have an opportunity to advance into British India. Grognards will get a chance to outshine the Desert Fox once the expansion is released on the 31st of this month.

In addition to this new expansion, the original Panzer Crops is now on sale for 33% off. The sale lasts until the 15th, so people interested in conquering hexes for the Reich may want to look into the sale. You may read my review of the original Panzer Corps here and check out some of Afrika Corps’ features after the jump.
- A brand-new Afrika Korps campaign with 24 new scenarios and several MP scenarios.
- More than 20+ new units added including gliders, flamethrower tanks and much more.
- More varied and dynamic scenarios.
- New desert-related weather types, terrain tile sets and unit camouflage.
- Improved AI.
- The Library extended with the most prominent WW2 airplanes.
- Your core force can now contain allied units, such as Italians.
- Brand new music tracks.