Atlus have released a series of short one minute tutorial videos for upcoming fighter Persona 4: Arena. These videos showcase some basic moves for each character -you’ve got your charged, heavy and air attacks naturally, but they also showcase some of the crazy combos that are capable as you build up your meter.

You’re not going to become an expert with a mere minute of instruction but if you want to see each characters persona in action, and get a taste of their fighting style, these videos are for you.

Below are tutorial videos for Akihiko Sanada, Aigis and Mitsuru Kirijo.

[youtube id=”HZQdtMvsyRk” width=”600″ height=”350″]

[youtube id=”jbYvblCtz1I” width=”600″ height=”350″]

[youtube id=”A0gdPVwcc7Y” width=”600″ height=”350″]