There is a number of different elements that make up a video game. One is obviously the gameplay. Two would be the pretty images that you see on your screen. But there is one area where many people are finally getting to notice: the music.

Video game music has, for a long time, but one of my most favorite parts of a video game. Of course, this applies to movies as well, but video games have been truly unique in the way music has been presented over the years. So much, that a music genre spawned from the type of music that video games have represented over the years: Chiptunes. Of course, music have evolved so much since the days of the 8 bit processor. Today, a lot of music takes it’s steps from its roots and goes into hollywood.

The effect today gives us a great, emotional and riveting sound in our years that we became accustomed to and many people today will even by the soundtracks for the games. During the course of my time as gamer, there have been plethora of music that I have listen to and loved. Today, Broken Joysticks give you, our lovely readers, a new look at music and to give the player and music lover in your, a whole new world to love in video games.

Super Mario Bros. – Ground Theme

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It would be terrible of me to start this without mentioning one of the most influential pieces of music that gave players a new depth in video games. The Super Mario Bros. Ground theme is the first song you hear as you enter the play area. The harsh, but awesome, 8-bit sound brought a musical treat to your ears. Focusing on a light beat and a catchy tune, players would zip through the stage and never really have the time to focus on such a simple, but great tune. It’s almost as if they tune it out in hopes to reach the tiny castle at the end of the level.

What makes this song so special is that it’s the dawning of a new era in video gaming. A time where people would leave the arcade and come home to a new system full of games, wonder, and experiences. Today, I give you fans the chance to listen to the song it’s entirety. Does this song move you?