Aside from a logo unveiled during Sony’s E3 press conference two weeks we haven’t heard many details surrounding Activision’s upcoming portable version of Call of Duty Black Ops 2. We can’t to try it out on the Vita, as the first person shooter genre isn’t well represented on the platform. From the official blurb it looks like Activision is looking to bring the full experience including Spec Ops and Multiplayer.

Check it out below:

Before the future could be won, history had to be written. Exposing that story exclusively on PlayStation® Vita, Call of Duty®: Black OpsDeclassified explores original fiction in the Call of Duty® Black Ops universe with an all-new campaign of Special Ops missions.  Optimized for gamers on-the-go, Call of Duty® Black Ops: Declassified delivers the most intense handheld Call of Duty® experience to date, including both Special Ops Story mode and Multiplayer combat tailored for the PS Vita.