So there is a new joint effort between Cyanide Studios and Spiders being published by Focus Home Interactive. Looks to be a new brutal fantasy RPG. Now despire recent reviews, I’m a huge fan of Focus Home Interactive and Cyanide Studios. I see passion in their games, som great potential yet to be fully realized. So here’s hoping Of Orcs and Men will relize that potential. Check out the trailer it looks pretty awesome. September 2012 release date you say? I’ll be keeping my eyes on this one. [youtube id=”NP6jUxry7aE” width=”600″ height=”350″]

So here we have the potential of a great war, not many details thusfar but, if the game supports multiple play throughs (say one as Human and one as an Orc) I will be very excited. Hopefully there will be alot of meaningful choice to help players shape this new world.