During their E3 press conference Konami showcased a small segments sorrounding the upcoming Zone of the Enders HD Collection. Combining ports of the first two Zone of the Enders games, originally realsed on the PlayStation 2, Z.O.E HD hopes to introduce a new set of Mech Fans to Kojima’s action packed mech universe.

The segment was rather short but did touch up on a few key points sorrounding this HD upgrade. Similar to what Konami did with the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection textures have been remastered and updated for 1080P displays.  In the video we are shown a side-by-shot showcasing the difference between these two versions. As well as the techniques used by artists to clean up some of the traditional 2D anime artwork.

As a mech fan, I can honestly say I am excited for the Z.O.E HD Collection. Check out the latest developer diary after the jump, Z.O.E HD will be out in Japan in late October and at an unspecified date in Fall 2012 for North America.[youtube id=”t4RMQBNUMS0″ width=”600″ height=”350″]