Could the next generation Xbox feature Skype integration? Microsoft purchased the peer to peer chat service just six months ago and now job advertisements have popped mentioning the VOIP service, and in particular the services role within the next generation Xbox.

According to the job advertisement, originally found by tech blog The Verge, Microsoft is looking for some help bringing in game and console to console video chat to the Xbox 720.

The job advertisement read in part:

“focused on enabling amazing new in-game and in-console voice and video experiences for the next generation of Xbox,”

Would you use Skype if it came to Xbox Live for the Xbox 360 or a future home console? I think that this would be a great time for Microosft to roll together Xbox Live and Skype. Perhaps unite them under the Windows Live ID system? The codecs used by the Xbox 360 for audio conversations are dodgy enough when it comes to quality. The use of Skype over XBL would surely be an improvement.