The next from boob loving, finger choking Japanese game developer Tomonobu Itagaki has been put on hold  by publisher THQ. Devil’s Third was originally revealed in the summer of 2010 and since then very little information has been released about the game. We do know that it involved a storyline fusing Asian, American and European themes with a sci-fi twist.

THQ has stated that the game will not come out during the first quarter of 2013, meaning that we will have to wait until after April 2013 before we’ll see the game on store shelves.

A Vice President at THQ, Danny Bilson, spoke to Kotaku, telling that that they are looking for “financial partners” for Itagaki’s next game. This news should not come as a surprise for a publisher who has had to fire 120 people and recently reported an annual loss of over $240 million dollars. Clearly THQ has seen brighter days.

Devil’s Third is currently under development for the Xbox 360, PS3 and Nintendo’s upcoming WiiU.

Are you looking forward to Devils Third?