Capcom has announced the next entry in the Lost Planet franchise will be heading to Xbox 360, PS3 and PC sometime early next year. The game centers around protagonist Jin, who accepts a hazardous contract on the planet EDN III. He is part of a pioneering force sent to the plant to prepare it for colonization.

Lost Planet 3 aims to return to the series roots, that means braving an ever changing climate and collecting resourcesto keep yourself from succumbing to mother nature. It wouldn’t be a Lost Planet title with the presence of fierce arachnids and the abolity to blow them away with a mech suit.

If you’re aching to kick some arachnid before LP3 ships in 2013 you could always pick up for the first two, or check out the trailer and screenshots CapCom have released after the jump.

[youtube id=”NhH0w0u8x30″ width=”600″ height=”350″]